Selasa, 09 November 2010

Automotive Color Trend Show at PPG's facility in Troy.

According to an annual report released yesterday by PPG Industries, the world's largest maker of car and truck paint. Silver, along with gray and charcoal, won the gold medal as the color of choice for 31% of all new cars and trucks sold in America. That went up from 25% in 2009 and 20% in 2008.

Black and white, tied for second place with 18% in PPG's annual color report. Red came in third with 11% and blue fourth, with 10%. Natural tones -- brown, tan, golds, orange and yellow -- rounded out the top five with 8%, PPG reported.

"Silver looks good on every car I've ever seen," Jane Harrington, PPG's manager of color styling and automotive coatings, said, explaining that most car designers even paint their clay models silver.

The least popular was green, garnering only 4% of the color market, according to the company. Ironically, 16 years ago, that shade was ranked No. 1 with 21% -- a sharp contrast to silver's 8% market share that same year.
Color rankings are very similar in European and Asian markets, according to color experts during the annual Automotive Color TrendShow at PPG's facility in Troy.

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